Welcome to Fairy Tale Theatre 2006!

Today your child will audition for their part. Please mark as many time slots as possible when filling in your paper work. Also please note that we have a couple of places on the forms that must be signed by an ADULT. This applies to all children under age 18. The official beginning date this year will be May 30th. Some directors may choose to begin with read throughs before that date. Your child will not be counted as missing a rehearsal before May 30th. We are beginning a bit earlier this year, to get in more rehearsal time. The plays this year will be performed on June 22, 23, 24, and 25. Your child will perform three times during the show dates.

We will again have FTT t-shirts for sale. The due date for orders is June 6. We will have order forms at Orientation and at the early rehearsals. We will also again offer 'parent ads' for $20. We will hand out forms for these the 2nd week of rehearsals with more information.

We have a few items that parents and their children need to be aware of:

1 - Please do not allow your child to bring any type of drink except water. NO drinks will be allowed in the green room, dressing rooms, on stage, in the shop or in the auditorium!! Food also will not be allowed in these areas. We have new carpet in the auditorium and dressing rooms. If your child must bring food, please have them eat it outside or in the lobby before rehearsal. They should also throw away their trash!!

2 - If your child has any allergies, please inform your play director and provide phone numbers in case of emergency. We do have bees, wasps, ants and spiders around the building.

3 - If your child is interested in doing tech work, please also fill out a Tech form.

4 - Your child is only allowed to miss 3 rehearsals! If you will have a conflict, please tell your director at Orientation!! Keep this in mind when choosing your time slots. If you know your child will be involved elsewhere for a week in the mornings, please do not pick the morning timeslot then ask for a week away.


On May 13th we will have Orientation. That will be when you pay your fees, your child is assigned his/her part in a play, and they get their script. It is very important that your child attend Orientation. Please contact Jo Beth at 601-638-8952 or jbbr.seren.shel@usa.net if you can not attend.

The fees this year will be $35 for VTG members and $55 for non-members. A Membership table will be available for anyone who needs to purchase or renew their VTG membership.

This year Orientation will be done a bit differently and will be much longer than in previous years. We estimate it to last 2-3 hours. As you enter the building, your child will move on to the concession area in the lobby, and the adults will pause and pay their fees. We will have many learning sessions set up around the building and your child will move from session to session. These will include make-up, costumes, the stage area, shop safety, among other areas.

Following the learning sessions, student and apprentice directors and adult supervisors will be introduced. Your child will then find out which play they will be in, and meet briefly with their director to receive their script and other information.

Thank you for joining us for the 21st year of Fairy Tale Theatre!