Vicksburg Theatre Guild presents...

A Musical Comedy
Book, Music and Lyrics by Dan Goggin
Directed by Amy Crews and Sarah Goss


Auditions: Wed. Oct. 21 & Fri. Oct. 23, 2020 at 6 p.m.
Cast: 5 women
Shows: Fri. & Sat., Feb. 5-6 & 12-13, 2021 at 7:30 p.m.
Sun., Feb. 7 & 14, 2021 at 2 p.m.
Tickets: $20, $15 senior citizens (65 & over) & youth (13-19), $10 children (12 & under)
Groups of 15 or more: $18, $13 senior citizens (65 & over) & youth (13-19), $8 children (12 & under)

Using their secular talents, the Little Sisters of Hoboken put on a talent-show to raise money to bury sisters accidentally poisoned by the convent cook.

Due to COVID-19 Executive Orders, the auditorium is limited to 75%-capacity, 186 seats.


Reverend Mother - Marie Cunningham
Sister Hubert - Gena Goodson
Sister Amnesia - Cindy Veazey
Sister Robert Anne - Amy Crews
Sister Leo - Shanna Dixon
Co-director - Amy Crews
Co-director/Producer/Music - Sarah Goss
Sound - Eric Fowler
Lights - Shelby Goss
Spotlight - Ace Orosco 
Fly - Kathryn Goss
Choreography - Shanna Dixon
Costumes - Clarissa Horner


We will hold seats for advance ticket purchasers and members who have notified us that they will attend up until 15 minutes before curtain.
Tickets which have not been claimed 15 minutes before curtain time are subject to forfeit.
Members please complete the Attendance Notification Form.

Tickets are available the day of the show at the VTG Box Office. Advance tickets are available online at 30 days prior to the opening night. Patrons with online tickets may go straight to the Usher at the auditorium door and avoid the line at the Box Office. Members may go straight to the Membership Desk adjacent to the Box Office. Members may notify us when they plan to attend by completing the Attendance Notification Form or by calling 601-636-0471.