“Gold in the Hills” Audition Information [A-] [A+] “Gold in the Hills” Audition Information Name * Name First First Last Last Parent Name (if actor is younger than 18 years old): Parent Name (if actor is younger than 18 years old): First First Last Last Address: Street Address: City Address: State Address: ZIP Cell Phone * Email * Employer/School * School Grade Age * Height (for costuming purposes) * Actors will be cast at the discretion of the producers in the best interests of the production. If you wish to limit consideration to certain roles, you will be considered for no others. Please consider me for only the following role(s): Stage Experience: * Would you like to be part of the stage crew/tech crew? Yes No Can you dance? * Yes No Can you sing? * Yes No Do you possess any other special skills, talents, or interests? Please note any schedule conflicts or restrictions. I agree not to hold the Vicksburg Theatre Guild, including its Board of Directors and “Gold in the Hills” Directors, responsible for any injuries obtained in conjunction with the auditioning and production of “Gold in the Hills.” * Yes No I give my permission for photos of me to be published on the VTG web site or on Facebook. * Yes No reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit