As the oldest chartered community theatre in Mississippi, the Vicksburg Theatre Guild has offered live theatre for almost 90 years at such locations as the riverboat Sprague on the riverfront, on the Playhouse stage on Bowmar Avenue, and now at our Parkside Playhouse location.
The objectives of the Vicksburg Little Theatre Guild (VLTG), now referred to as the Vicksburg Theatre Guild (VTG), as shown in our 1936 Charter of Incorporation, are:
to stimulate an interest in local, original, and other dramatic, literary and musical productions, to give the people of Vicksburg, Mississippi, the opportunity to self-expression in the various phases of dramatic activity, to present amateur productions, and to foster professional productions that possess dramatic and artistic merit, to furnish training in acting, stagecraft and playwriting, to provide facilities for the expression of art in the community, and generally to stimulate an interest in the drama.
The Annual Meeting of the membership of the Vicksburg Theatre Guild is held every June. At the Annual Meeting, Officers and Board members are elected, the annual report is read, and other business which may arise is transacted. Nominations and elections are governed by the VTG Bylaws. Board of Directors responsibilities are described in the VTG Policies and Procedures.
Vicksburg Theatre Guild
Parkside Playhouse
101 Iowa Avenue
P.O. Box 821472
Vicksburg, MS 39182
All Friday & Saturday performances at 7:30 pm
All Sunday performances at 2:00 pm